Monday June 6 is the 78th anniversary of the Normandy landings. Tributes were paid to Americans who participated in the liberation of France.

They landed Monday, June 6 in a Jeep on the Normandy beaches that they liberated 78 years ago. American veterans are moved, happy to be together again. They were barely 20 years old when they landed in Normandy. The American anthem resounds. It's a precious moment for a woman in the US Navy: "I'm so grateful that the French continue to keep the memory alive in such a beautiful way ," she said.
Tribute to paratroopers
Not far away, in a town where American paratroopers landed 78 years ago, French people came to pay their respects to the Americans . "There was a danger for humanity. They didn't ask themselves any questions. They came, they died, so that we could be there now. It seems to me the least we can do to commemorate their deaths" , explains a man.
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