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Ignacio Araluce: "The horizon for the closure of the Almaraz plant is still 2028"

The director of the Almaraz plant for thirteen years defends that nuclear is an energy that "helps to combat climate change"

Ignacio Araluce has presided over the Nuclear Forum for almost five years, the entity that brings together the main companies in Spain related to nuclear energy. There are about 60 between power plants, nuclear power plants, companies that operate nuclear and radioactive facilities, component manufacturers and suppliers of systems and engineering companies, nuclear and radiological services, entities for nuclear technological development and civil works and assembly companies. .

A good connoisseur of Extremadura and the Arañuelo Field, since he held the leadership of the Almaraz nuclear power plant for 13 years, he has seen how it has gone from calling demonstrations calling for the closure of the plants, to mobilizations so that they continue in operation. Or even the European Commission to propose that it be considered green energy.

- In your opinion, is nuclear energy green energy?

–It is an energy that helps to combat climate change. What is green or not green are labels that are put on. What I do know is that, for the moment, we are still the largest contributor in Spain to the non-emission of CO2 and therefore to the fight against climate change. And in that sense right now we are essential.

What would it mean for nuclear energy and for companies in the sector if this qualification of green was approved?

- The situation in the different countries of Europe is different. Let us distinguish between one and the other. In the case of Spain, we have a time horizon in which we will continue to operate until 2035, and with an agreement starting the shutdowns with Almaraz I in 2027 until 2035, which will be Trillo the last. And during this time we will continue to produce. What has now become known is a proposal from the European Commission that has been debated for a long time and that had already been half closed with the issue of green taxonomy, the European green pact, but that was pending if it was introduced or no to nuclear power and gas. What this proposal does is include nuclear energy and gas as necessary during the energy transition to achieve the decarbonisation objectives in 2050. As currently renewable energy and storage cannot supply all the electrical energy we need, the European Commission says we have to continue to turn to other sources to cover the production that renewables cannot. And it goes to those that are necessary and that pollute the least. The nuclear plant does not emit CO2, which is in line with the decarbonisation that is intended. And then there is natural gas, which does emit CO2, but less than coal and will be necessary during this period. with which it is in line with the decarbonization that is intended. And then there is natural gas, which does emit CO2, but less than coal and will be necessary during this period. with which it is in line with the decarbonization that is intended. And then there is natural gas, which does emit CO2, but less than coal and will be necessary during this period.

- The purpose of the definition of the green taxonomy is nothing more than to indicate to the markets in general where investments should go. And the investments are clearly going to go to renewables and storage. And what it says now is that investments should also go, without being penalized, to other energies that contribute to decarbonization during this energy transition, such as nuclear and gas, although it puts a little more restrictions on this. Because of nuclear power they say that all investments in power plants whose construction permit is prior to the year 2045 and on the other hand in gas is until 2030 or 2035, with a requirement to emit less CO2 will enter into the taxonomy. That means that in the markets, when you need to seek financing to make investments, don't get penalized because they are considered sustainable. And therefore you can find financing a little cheaper than if it were not sustainable

- Would this affect in any way the scheduled closure of the plants or will it remain as it is, in 2027 and 2028 in the case of Almaraz?

- No, that is maintained. For Spain, for the moment, the closing horizon between 2027 and 2035 does not change. And Almaraz 2027 and 2028 specifically. That does not change. It is simply to recognize that nuclear energy has a very important contribution during this transition and that it can go to the financial markets without being penalized.

- All of this is very good for France, a firm defender of nuclear energy and which has announced the construction of new plants ...

-To France a lot, because it is going to build new plants and it is going to have to make multimillion-dollar investments and it is not the same that it can go to the financial markets at a much higher cost for being penalized for not being sustainable than if it is within the taxonomy , since then it is sustainable and the credits are cheaper.

- And what do you think of the position of the Spanish Government? Green energy no, but accepting the associated investments.

–Not green, because it is not in their DNA to say that nuclear power is green. But, on the other hand, it recognizes that this energy is necessary during the transition and if it is necessary, it will also be necessary to invest to maintain it. He is in a middle ground, understanding that they are necessary, something that very recently it was not so clear that many people said it. Now, on the other hand, practically everyone says that plants are necessary.

- I insist, finally, could this new approach lead to modifying the closure schedule of the seven reactors operating in Spain?

-Not for the moment. Due to this specific issue of the taxonomy, the closing calendar does not change. Another thing is that at any given time, Red Eléctrica and the Government consider that the closure schedule cannot be maintained due to the country's energy needs. But this taxonomy has no implication in that calendar.


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