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Showing posts from November, 2021

United States: opioid overdoses, "an epidemic with social roots", explains Lenglet

In the United States, the death toll from overdose has reached a record high. It has exceeded 100,000 people in one year. A worrying phenomenon that two researchers have tried to explain in a book. In just one year, more than 100,000 people have died from overdoses in the United States. A record. That's four times more than gun deaths. And more than half of those deaths are due to excessive consumption of overkill painkillers . Opium derivatives are sold aggressively by the pharmaceutical industry despite the addiction they cause.  A television series arrives in France, which precisely tells the cynicism of the pharmaceutical laboratory manufacturing and distributing these products, which caused one of the biggest current health disasters . It is a massacre, which cont...

Virtual summit between Biden and Xi amid renewed Sino-US tensions

Joe Biden and Xi Jinping will talk to each other on Monday to try to ease the strong tensions between the United States and China over Taiwan and other sensitive issues, and prevent them from escalating into conflict. This virtual interview, the third since the inauguration of the American president in January, comes as disputes accumulate between Washington and Beijing, each of which is firm on their positions on Taiwan, but also on trade or even human rights. This is, according to a senior White House official, "to ensure that competition does not lead to conflict." "We want to build common safeguards to avoid any

Mehrheit der Deutschen befürwortet obligatorische COVID-Impfung

Die meisten Deutschen glauben, dass alle Erwachsenen verpflichtet sein sollten, sich gegen COVID-19 impfen zu lassen, wie eine neue Umfrage ergab. Dies ist das erste Mal, dass mehr als die Hälfte der befragten Deutschen eine obligatorische Coronavirus-Impfung wünschen. Rund 57 Prozent der Deutschen wollen, dass COVID-19-Impfstoffe für Menschen über 18 Jahren verpflichtend werden, wie eine am Donnerstag veröffentlichte neue Deutschlandtrend-Umfrage der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalt ARD ergab. Das entspricht einem Anstieg um 11 Punkte gegenüber dem Wert vom August 2021. Die Bundesregierung lehnt eine solche Ma...